Curriculum Vitae                                                                                            (Updated: Jan. 2024)





Name: Nelson Melo

Mobile Phone: 305 331 2309

Home address: 11424 SW 132th Pl Unit. 2, Miami, Florida 33186, USA.




Current Position: Director – ALTAMETRY, Senior Researcher.

Current Academic Rank: Senior Research Associate

Citizenship: United States, Cuba



Project Manager, Physical Oceanography and Marine Remote Sensing, Science and Computer Instrumentation, Nuclear Physics, Solid State.




1.            Undergraduate Degree:

“Bachelor of Physics” Grade point average: 4.8 / 5 (Excellent).

Specialization: a) Nuclear Physics. b) Electronic and Solid State Physics.

Obtained at the Physics Faculty, University of Havana, Cuba. (1972 - 1978).

2.            Master's Degree:

“Master of Nuclear Physical Sciences”, Thesis Title: “Mossbauer Effect in Cuban Magnetites” (1978).

Obtained at the Physics Faculty, University of Havana, Cuba.

 3.            Ph D. Degree:

 Dissertation Title: “Characterization of oceanographic parameters and phenomena around the island of Cuba from thermal and color space images of the sea.” University of South Florida (USF), USA. (In P).

4.            Scientific Category:

Senior Research Associate. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, USA. Date obtained: Jun 2007

Research Investigator. (2nd highest level in Cuba) Granted by the Central Commission of Scientific Categories, Academy of Sciences of Cuba. Date obtained: August 3, 1992.


Postgraduate Courses


 In Oceanography, Marine Remote Sensing and Computer Instrumentation

Oceanography postgraduate university courses in general oceanography (16 months) received in Cuba, Russia and Bulgaria (Hydrography Cuban Institute, Cuba; Institute of Oceanography (Shirchov) Moscow; Russia. Institute of Oceanography, Sofia, Bulgaria).


Marine Remote Sensing postgraduate courses (18 months) received in Russia, Germany, Venezuela, Chile and USA (Institute of Oceanography (Shirchov) Moscow, Russia; Institute for Cosmic Research, Berlin, Germany; Institute of Oceanography, Rootstock, Germany; Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela; University of Chile, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), Santiago, Chile; University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Fl, USA.)


Science and computer instrumentation postgraduate courses (22 month) received in Cuba, Russia, Germany, and USA (Mathematics Faculty, Havana University, Cuba, Institute of Oceanography (Shirchov) Moscow, Russia; Institute for Cosmic Research, Berlin, Germany; University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Fl., USA.):




Science Research: Physical Oceanography (shelf and oceanic research) and Marine Remote Sensing (remote sensors and aero-space digital images processing, applied to marine research).


Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, USA. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) 2001-2013. “Florida Bay, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea Oceanographic Research Projects”. Research Associate Senior.

Scientific Diver (100 Ft, Nitrox certified); Boating skills and seamanship certified.


Instituto de Oceanología (IDO), Instituto Hidrográfico (ICH), Instituto de Geodesia y Cartografía (ICGC),

Agencia de Medio Ambiente. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA). Cuba. (1978-1999). Director of the Division of Research and Environment; Head of the Research Group in Marine Remote Sensing; Principal Investigator of the International Project with the European Space Agency (ESA): “Integrated study of coastal environment in Cuba using satellite SAR - ERS imagery (AO3–126)”. Research Investigator.


FIU / UM / NOAA Research:


AM Computers Corp. Science and Computer Instrumentation: Installation and operation of science, radio-location and computer instrumentation (computer and network installation, cabling, hardware and software, setup, operation and maintenance).


 Partial List of Recent Relevant Publications


·         Melo, N., G. Paili, P. Lugari, E. Martinez, A. Nardini, et al. Verde, Eventos Ambientales 2011-2015. (2018). “Metodos de Caracterizacion de Ecosistemas Costeros”. Fundación Universitaria Dominicana Pedro Henriquez Urena. ISBN 978-9945-597-44-8


·         D. Turk, K. K. Yates, M. Vega-Rodriguez, G. Toro-Farmer, C. L’Esperance, N. Melo, D. Ramsewak, M. Dowd, S. Cerdeira Estrada, F. E. Muller-Karger, S. R. Herwitz, W. R. McGillis (2015). Community metabolism in shallow coral reef and seagrass ecosystems, lower Florida Keys. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES. Vol. 538: 35–52, 2015 doi: 10.3354/meps11385.


·         E. M. Johns, B. A. Muhling, R.C.Perez, F.E.Mueller-Karger, N. Melo, R. H. Smith, J. T. Lamkin, T. L. Gerald and E. Malca (2014). Amazon River water in the northeastern Caribbean Sea and its effect on larval reef fish assemblages during April 2009. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Fish. Oceanography, 11 NOV 2014 | DOI: 10.1111/fog.12082.


·         Zhao, J., B. Barnes, N. Melo, D. English, B. Lapointe, F. Muller-Karger, B. Schaeffer, and C. Hu (2013).  Assessment of satellite-derived diffuse attenuation coefficients and euphotic depths in south Florida coastal waters. Remote Sensing of Environment 131, 38–50.


·         Zhao, J., C. Hu, B. Lapointe, N. Melo, E. M. Johns, and R. Smith (2013),  Satellite-Observed Black Water Events off Southwest Florida: Implications for Coral Reef Health in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Remote Sensing 5, 415-431; doi:10.3390/rs5010415.

·         Manzello, D. P., I. C. Enochs, N. Melo, D. K. Gledhill, and E. M. Johns (2012). Ocean Acidification Refugia of the Florida Reef Tract.  PLoS ONE 7(7): e41715. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041715.

·         Melo, N., and T. N. Lee.  (2012). Water circulation and renewal in Florida Bay is influenced by flow from the southwest shelf and tidal passes.  In:  SOUTH FLORIDA MARINE ENVIRONMENTS: An ecological synthesis; Chapter 2, Oceanographic Connectivity.  W. Kruczynski and P. Fletcher, Eds.  ISBN 978-0-9822305-3-4 (2012).

·         Ivan Peréz-Santos y W. Schneider (2012), Book: “Oceanografía de la Cuenca de Yucatán, Mar Caribe: Implicaciones dinámicas, observaciones y modelos numéricos”, Capítulo 4: Respuesta de la clorofila-a durante el paso de eventos meteorológicos de escala sinóptica”. Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Marcus Sobarzo, Inia Soto, José Garcés-Vargas, Raúl Montoya-Sánchez, Nelson Melo y Frank Müller-Karger. Editorial Académia Española, ISBN: 978-3-8454-9263-6, 148 pp.

·         Cannizzaro, J. P., C. Hu, K. L. Carder, C. R. Kelble, N. Melo, E. M. Johns, G. A. Vargo, and C. A. Heil (2013).  On the accuracy of SeaWiFS ocean color data products on the west Florida shelf. On the accuracy of SeaWiFS ocean color products on the west Florida shelf.  In Press. J. COASTAL RESEARCH - D-12-00223.

·         Fiechter, J., B. K. Haus, N. Melo, and C. N. K. Mooers (2008). Physical processes impacting passive particle dispersal in the Upper Florida Keys. Continental Shelf Research 28, 1261– 1272.

·         Lee, T. N., N. Melo, E. Johns, C. Kelble, R. H. Smith, and P. Ortner (2008). On Water Renewal and Salinity Variability in the Northeast Subregion of Florida Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 82(1), 83–105.

·         Lee, T. N., E. Johns, N. Melo, R. H. Smith, P. B. Ortner, and D. Smith (2006). On Florida Bay hypersalinity and water exchange.  Bulletin of Marine Science 79(2), 301-327.

·         Melo N., F. Müller-Karger, S. Cerdeira, R. Pérez de los Reyes, I. Victoria del Río, P. Cárdenas Pérez, and I. Mitrani Arenal (2000).  Near-Surface Phytoplankton Distribution in the Western Intra-Americas Seas: The Influence of El Niño and Weather Events”. Journal of Geophysical Research 105 (C6), 14,029-14,043.

·         Melo N “Oceanography” chapter in the: “Derrotero de las Costas de Cuba” book (ICH). (85 - 86).

·         Kruczynski W.L., Fletcher P.J., Editors; Melo N. et. al. “Tropical Connections: South Florida’s Marine Environment” BOOK 473P. (2012). ISBN 978-0-9822305-3-4.

·         Melo N., T. Lee, N. Smith, E. Johns, R. Smith, P. Ortner, D. Smith. (2008). “Understanding Florida Bay Hypersalinity and Water Exchange”, Abstract published in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Planning, Policy and Science Conference. Jul 28-Aug 01 2008 Naples, Fl.

·         Melo N., T. N Lee, M. B. Framiñan, E. M. Johns, R. H. Smith, D. Smith. (2007). Florida Bay Sea Level Response to Local Wind Forcing. Submitted to Bulletin of Marine Science (Jun. 23 2008).

·         Melo N., T. Lee, N. Smith, E. Johns, R. Smith, P. Ortner, D. Smith. (2005)“Recent Measurements of Salinity, Flow and Sea Level Variability in the Western Basin of Florida Bay – Rabbit and Twin Key Basins” Abstract published in the Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference. Dec 11-14 2005 Duck Key, Fl.

·         Bitterman D., N. Melo, R. Smith and W. Wilson (2003)“Florida Bay Shallow Water Surface Drifter” Paper published in CD-ROM by: X-CD Technologies. Office of Conferences and Institutes (OCI), University of Florida / IFAS, PO Box 110750, Building 639, Mowry Road, Gainesville, FL 32611-0750, PHONE: 352-392-5930 / FAX: 352-392-9734.

·         Melo N.,  Lee T. N., Williams E. J., Smith D.,  Framinan M., Smith R., Johns E., (2003). “A Movie of Florida Bay Sea Level Response to Local Wind Forcing”   Paper published in CD-ROM by: X-CD Technologies. Office of Conferences and Institutes (OCI), University of Florida / IFAS, PO Box 110750, Building 639, Mowry Road, Gainesville, FL 32611-0750, PHONE: 352-392-5930 / FAX: 352-392-9734.

·         Melo N., Müller-Karger F., Cerdeira S., Pérez de los Reyes R., Victoria del Río I., Cárdenas Pérez P., Ida Mitrani Arenal I. (2000) “Near-Surface Phytoplankton Distribution in the Western Intra-Americas Seas: The Influence of -El Niño- and Weather Events”. Journal Geophysics Research JGR, Vol. 105, N0. C6, Pages 14,029-14,043, June 15, 2000.

·         Pérez R., Muller-Karger F., Victoria I., Melo N., Cerdeira S. (1999): “Cuban, Mexican, U.S. Researchers Probing Mysteries of Yucatan Current” EOS, Vol. 80, No. 14, April 6, 1999, P. 153-158.

·         Victoria, I., Melo N., Peréz R. (1998): ”Results of Cuban oceanographic research related to Global Changes studies”. Proceedings Conference on the Caribbean Global Changes Research (IAI). July 9 – 11 1997. Edited by Fernando Gilbes. University of Puerto Rico, Mayauez, Puerto. Rico. March 1998.

·         Cerdeira Estrada, S.; Melo N.; Pérez de los Reyes, R.; Victoria del Río I.; Müller-Karger, F. (1997): “La densidad de pigmentos fotosintéticos: un indicador del carácter y la intensidad de los procesos oceanográficos en el occidente del Gran Caribe”. Boletín de la Sociedad Meteorológica de Cuba. Vol. 4, No.1, Enero de 1998, (ISSN-1025-921X).

·         Pérez de los Reyes, R.; Victoria del Río, I.; Signoret Poillon, M.; Gallegos García, A.; Penié Rodríguez, I.; Gil Varona, C.; Bulit, C.; Melo N.; Müller-Karger, F.; Cerdeira Estrada, S.; Merino Ibarra, M. (1996): “Reporte de un frente hidrológico al NE de la Península de Yucatán. Manifestaciones físicas, químicas e hidrobiológicas”. Boletín de la Sociedad Meteorológica de Cuba. Vol. 2, No.1, Julio de 1996, (ISSN-1025-921X).

·         Alvarez R., N. Melo, (1995): “Possibilities and experiences of Remote Sensing methods to the studies of the Cuban marine shelf”. Conference of the International Geographical Union (July 31 - August 5, 1995, La Habana, Cuba).

·         Melo N.; R. Pérez; S. Cerdeira (1995): “Variación espacio - temporal de los pigmentos del fitoplancton en zonas del Gran Caribe, a partir de imágenes del satélite Nimbus 7 (CZCS)”. Avicennia, 3 / 1995. 103 - 116.

·         Melo N., G. Popowski (1991): “Caracterización óptico - biológica de las aguas del Golfo de Batabanó y la región oceánica adyacente, Cuba, a partir de imágenes scanner ruso MSU-M cósmicas”. Memorias del V Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepción Remota, 28 Oct. - 01 Nov. 1991, Cuzco, Perú.

·         Melo N., J. Pérez, (1990): “Estudio del medio geográfico marino con el empleo de sensores remotos”. Revista Geodesia y Cartografía, Cuba. No. 2 / 1990. 32 - 43.

·         Melo N., E. Villegas, (1990): “Resultados del Levantamiento aéreo térmico infrarrojo y multizonal de diferentes acuatorios cubanos”. Revista Geodesia y Cartografía, Cuba. No. 1 / 1990. 50 - 60.

·         Siegel H., N. Melo, (1990): “Mediciones espectrométricas a nivel marino, aéreo y espacial de la plataforma y regiones oceánicas adyacentes a Cuba”. Revista Geodesia y Cartografía, Cuba. No. 1 / 1990. 15 - 30. Also published at: Journal Programa Regional de Teleobservación, Cooperación Francesa, Lima, Perú, agosto 1993.

·         Alvarez Portal, R., N. Melo, (1989): “Factores hidrópicos que influyen en la calidad de las fotografías aéreas en zonas de plataforma”. Revista Geodesia y Cartografía, Cuba. No. 3 / 1989. 25 - 39.

·         Melo N. (author of the chapter: “Oceanografía” in the Book: “Derrotero de las Costas de Cuba”), Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía, (1989):. Editora Científico-Técnica. Cuba. 640 P.

·         Melo N., J. Pérez García (1987): “Utilización de la Teledetección aerofotográfica en la evaluación de sedimentos y vegetación como componentes del paisaje costero y submarino”. Memorias del Seminario Internacional XIII reunión INTERCOSMOS, Rumania, Octubre 1987.

·         Melo N., J. Pérez García, E. Simo, (1987): “El procesamiento digital de imágenes en la interpretación de características oceanográficas y de paisajes submarinos”. Memorias del I Congreso de Ciencias del Mar. Editorial Academia de Ciencias de Cuba.

·         Melo N., (1987): “Investigaciones oceanográficas de la plataforma noroccidental de la Habana, utilizando fotografías aéreas”. Memorias del I Congreso de Ciencias del Mar. Editorial Academia de Ciencias de Cuba.

·         Alvarez Portal R., N. Melo, (1987): “Empleo de la Teledetección en la Hidrografía”. Revista Información Técnico Naval. (ITCN) No. 48, Cuba.

·         Melo N., (1985): “Evaluación del uso de las técnicas de Teledetección en la ejecución de investigaciones oceanográficas”. Memorias del Simposio de Ciencias del Mar. Editorial Academia de Ciencias de Cuba.

·         Leiva O., N. Melo (1982): “Atlas de corrientes superficiales del Golfo de México y el Mar Caribe”.Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía. Cuba.



·         Iván Pérez-Santos, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Wolfgang Schneider, Marcus Sobarzo, Inia Soto, José Garcés-Vargas, Raúl Montoya-Sánchez, Nelson Melo and Frank Müller.  “Satellite chlorophyll-a response during synoptic-scale events in the Yucatan Basin, Caribbean Sea”.  Submitted to JGR (Oct. 2012).

·         Brian B Barnes; Chuanmin Hu; Jennifer P Cannizzaro; Susanne E Craig; Pamela Muller; David Jones; John C Lehrter; Nelson Melo; Blake A Schaeffer; Richard Zepp. "Estimation of diffuse attenuation of ultraviolet light in optically shallow Florida Keys waters from MODIS measurements". Submited to Remote Sensing of Environment (Jun. 2013).


Unpublished Works (Technical Reports)


·         Melo N. (1995): “Informe científico técnico del proyecto -Corrientes-” (capítulo: Teledetección). (CI-GEOCUBA, Investigación y Consultoría).

·         Melo N.; S. Cerdeira (1995): “Informes Científico - Técnicos (ERGOCLINA 1 y 2) del Proyecto Cuba-México “Productividad planctónica en aguas del Golfo de México y del mar Caribe noroccidental”, (Capítulos: Teledetección), (1995). (Instituto de Oceanología, GEOCUBA, Investigación y Consultoría.y U.A.M. - Xochimilco, México).

·         Melo N. (1995): “Caracterización térmica y de pigmentos superficiales del fitoplancton en zonas de plataforma y oceánicas del Archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey a partir de imágenes de los sensores espaciales AVHRR y CZCS”, Proyecto GEF/PNUD CUB/92/G-31. (CI-GEOCUBA, Investigación y Consultoría).

·         Melo N.; S. Cerdeira (1994): “Clasificación automatizada de un sector de Cayo Coco a través de una escena del Thematic Mapper (Landsat 5)”. (CI-CIGCT).

·         Melo N.; S. Cerdeira (1994): “Caracterización del entorno natural de una región de Cayo Coco, a través del procesamiento digital de imágenes multiespectrales del Thematic Mapper TM (Landsat)”. (CI-CIGCT).

·         Melo N.; S. Cerdeira (1994): “TeleOcean”. Propuesta de estructura de un sistema de cómputo sobre “Windows” para el procesamiento digital de imágenes dirigido a las investigaciones marinas”. (CI-CIGCT).

·         Melo N.; S. Cerdeira (1993): “Obtención de imágenes aéreas multiespectrales de vídeo con dispositivo de carga acoplada CCD”. (CI-CIGCT).

·         Melo N.; S. Cerdeira (1992): “Validación de una Cámara Infrarroja Térmica en la Bahía de La Habana, para el estudio de los gradientes de temperatura en la superficie marina (Experimento IRTV-92)”. Centro de Información del Centro de Investigaciones de Geodesia Cartografía y Teledetección (CI-CIGCT).

·         Melo N.; S. Cerdeira; D. González (1994): “Modificaciones ecólogo - paisajísticas en el entorno natural de Laguna Larga en Cayo Coco, a partir del procesamiento analógico y digital de imágenes fotográficas desde 1956 a 1993 de la zona. Centro de Investigaciones de Ecosistemas Costeros de Cayo Coco, Cuba”, (CI-CIGCT).

·         Melo N., J. Pérez García (1987): “Estudio físico geográfico de la desembocadura del Río Santa Ana, Cuba, a partir de métodos de Teledetección”. (CI-ICH).

·         Díaz G., N. Melo (1984): “Tendencias en la variación del nivel del mar en la estación Siboney, Cuba”. (CI-ICH).

·         Melo N. (1982): “Condiciones hidrológicas del Archipiélago Cubano”. (CI-ICH).

·         Melo N. (1981): “Régimen de oleaje del Malecón Habanero, Cuba”. (CI-ICH).

·         Melo N. (1981): “Distribución del canal acústico submarino en zonas oceánicas al norte de Cuba”, (CI-ICH).

·         Melo N. (1980): “Resultados del experimento espacial Cuba - URSS, -Biosfera C-”. (CI-ICH).

·         Melo N. (1979): “Caracterización oceanográfica de la Bahía de Cajimaya, Cuba”. (CI-ICH).

·         Melo N. (1979): “Caracterización oceanográfica de la Bahía de Levisa y Cabonico, Cuba”. Centro de Información del Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía (CI-ICH).



Research Project Participation


Florida International University - ALTA Systems, Miami, USA (2014 ---);

Design and develop a balloon borne remote sensing system.


Participation in oceanographic research projects in the Gulf of Mexico, he Caribbean Sea, Florida Bay and adjacent coastal waters. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, USA and Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), (01/2001-/2013)


Resent projects participation include but not limited  to:


·         South Florida Regional Observing System

·         High Resolution Assessment of Carbon Dynamics in Seagrass and Coral Reef Biomes

·         Coral Reef Ecosystem Research

·         Creation and management of newly designed Shallow Water Drifters

·         HPCC Project: Exploring New WEB-Based Techniques for Analysis and Visualization of Environmental Data

·         South Florida Ecosystem Restoration and Modeling Program (SFERPM)

·         Real Time Oceanographic Observations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS)

·         Florida Bay Inner Basins Circulation Study

·         Interdisciplinary Coastal Oceanographic Observations

·         Meso-American System Transport & Ecology Research

·         Aerial Images on coastal research (ALTAMETRY)


FIU / UM / NOAA Research

Chief Scientist on 32 oceanographic cruises on board the R/V “Walton Smith (Miami University) on the South Florida Regional Observing System (2001 – 2013).

Installation, maintenance and data analysis for the South Florida Regional Observing System (12 Moorings) (2001-2013).

Participant, chief scientist, cruise leader, or principal investigator (PI) in 162 US, Cuban, or international oceanographic research cruises (Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Black Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Cuban bays, Florida Bay, etc.) (1978-2013).

Principal investigator of the European Space Agency (ESA) International Project: “Integrated study of coastal environment in Cuba using satellite SAR - ERS imagery (AO3–126).” (Instituto de Oceanología de Cuba). (1999).

Project Coordinator for the Project: “Los Ecosistemas Frontales del Occidente de Cuba, NE de Yucatán y SE de la Florida: Su relación con el balance regional de calor y sales y su importancia como reguladores de precipitaciones y de la biodiversidad marina”and cruise planning on board of the Cuban oceanographic research vessel ULISES in Cuban, Mexican and USA waters (March of 1999) with the participation of researchers from Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada and USA. This cruise was part. (Instituto de Oceanología de Cuba). (10/1997- 1999).


Hydro-biological oceanographic and Remote Sensing research in the oceanic area between Cabo de San Antonio and Bahia de Nuevitas, Cuba in two oceanographic cruises on board of the Cuban oceanographic research vessel ULISES. (Scientific head of the cruises, Instituto de Oceanología de Cuba). (09/1996 and 02/1997).

 Head of the satellite image processing in oceanic regions around Cuba project, (E Gulf of Mexico, & W Caribbean Sea). Processed images from the space sea color sensor: Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) from 1978 to 1986 and from the sea superficial temperature sensor: Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) (HRPT) from the satellites NOAA 11, 12 and 14. The results of the thermal and sea color characterization of the region were presented and approved for publication in 1999 in the Journal of Geophysical Research -Ocean-. Paper title: “Near-Surface Phytoplankton Distribution in the Western Intra-Americas Seas: The Influence of “El Niño” and Weather Events”. (Instituto de Oceanología de Cuba - Department of Marine Sciences, University of South of the Florida (USF) St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. (12/94- 06/95).

 Author of the Remote Sensing chapter for the Final Report of the Project “Productividad Planctónica en aguas del Golfo de México y el Mar Caribe noroccidental”, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Xochimilco, México D.F.; Instituto de Oceanología de Cuba. (Evaluated as relevant result in the Environmental Agency of Cuba and by -CONACyT- Mexico) (94-96).

 Officer of the project GEF/PNUD CUB/92/G-31 “Protección de la Biodiversidad y Desarrollo Sostenible del Archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey”, “Thermal and superficial pigments characterization in shelf and oceanic areas of the Archipelago Savanna-Camagüey, Cuba using images from the space sensors AVHRR and CZCS”, (GEOCUBA Investigación y Consultoría). (1995).

 Participation in the Project “Corrientes” (Author of the chapter: “Remote Sensing”), (GEOCUBA Investigación y Consultoría). (1995).

Chief Scientist of the expert group “Oceanografía abiótica” in the International Project GEF/PNUD CUB/92/G-31 “Protección de la Biodiversidad y Desarrollo Sostenible del Ecosistema del Archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey” sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). CIGCT, GEOCUBA Investigación y Consultoría). (94 - 95).

 Participation in the project Cuba-Mexico -Ergoclina-, “Productividad planctónica en aguas del Golfo de México y del mar Caribe noroccidental”, (Author of the chapter: “Remote Sensing”). Instituto Cubano de Geodesia y Cartografía, Instituto de Oceanología. ACC& Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana UAM - Xochimilco, México, (CIGCT). (92 - 96).

Chief Scientist for the book “Diving guide of Santa Lucía, Camagüey, Cuba” (geographical and oceanographically characterization of 38 diving points), (CIGCT). (1992).

 Author and co-author of the integral geographical studies and series of thematic maps of the Archipelagos (3): Sabana - Camagüey, Canarreos& Jardines de la Reina. Cartography characterization of coastal and shelf areas using Remote Sensing methods. (National prize of science and technique), (CIGCT). (90 - 93).

Author and design of the computer system “TELEOCEAN”, to process satellite and airborne Remote Sensing images for oceanographic research (CIGCT). (1992).

 Scientific leader of the Project: “Evaluation of the planktonic productivity in waters of the Gulf of Mexico and NW Caribbean Sea using satellite images”, (CIGCT). (1992).

Chief Scientist and/or participant in 9 national and international experiments for development Remote Sensing methods in marine research (“Biosfera C”, “Plataforma III”, “Infrarrojo 87”, “Caribe Intercosmos”, “Vídeo Sur”, “Scanner 89”, “Atlántica 89”, “Infrarrojo 89”, “Televisión 91”, “Cayo Coco 94”), (ICH) and (CIGCT). (89 - 94).

 Chief Scientist of the Marine Remote Sensing Group at the Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía (ICH) and at Centro de Investigaciones de Geodesia Cartografía y Teledetección (CIGCT). (86 - 95).

 Chief Scientist for the design and implementation of the digital image processing system “SATO” in oceanographic research in Cuba (1986).

Scientific leader of the Topic 05, Problema Ramal 702, “Teledetección”, “Investigaciones oceanográficas a partir de métodos de Teledetección”, Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía, Instituto Cubano de Geodesia y Cartografía, (84 - 91). Reports and publications on the following topics:


·        Superficial circulation of sea areas in Cuba from air photographic images and space images.

·        Characterization of waves fields and determination of energy convergence areas in shallow regions of the shelf using air photographic images.

·        Bathymetric research using the photometric and photogrametric method in the Cuban shelf.

·        Detection and characterization of oil, thermal, industrial and sewer discharges contamination in tropical sea areas, using airborne multispectral and infrared scanner images.

·        Optic and biological studies of oceanic waters in the Cuban shelf using spatial scanner images.

·        Characterization and cartography of sediment type in the Cuban insular shelf using airborne images.

·        Characterization of temperature field and water dynamic of shelf areas using airborne infrared scanner images.

·        Radiometric calibration of the multispectral photographic camera Carl Zeis MSK-4.

·        Spectrometric characterization of shelf areas in oceanic regions around Cuba.

·        Characterization of swamps areas and sediments type in the Cuban shelf using airborne videotape images.

·        Characterization of coast dynamic using airborne photographic images.

 Head and/or participant in scientific oceanographic research of oceanic areas in the northwest and south of Cuba, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, in Cuban and Cuban - Russian oceanographic cruises, (ICH). (83 - 87).

 Author of the “Oceanography” chapter in the: “Derrotero de las Costas de Cuba” book (ICH). (85 - 86).

 Head of scientific research “Geographical study and cartography of Cayo Levisa, Pinar del Rio”, Cuba (National prize of Science and Technique). Author of the chapter and map “Oceanographic Conditions”, (ICH). (88 - 89).


Participant in the environmental evaluation of the Bay of Havana (Physical Oceanography), (ICH). (81 - 84).


Designer and programmer of an automated computerized system for processing oceanographic data “DataOcean”, (ICH). (1981).


Chief Scientist of the scientific hydrological and currents research in 9 ports and bays of Cuba, (ICH). (80 - 85).


Chief Scientist for the research of the currents and tide regime in the lake system of El Jíbaro, Cuba. (ICH). (1981).


Participation in the scientific research of the coast dynamics of Varadero beach in Cuba and the west coast of the Black Sea in Varna, Cuba-Bulgaria (Skorpilovsy experiment), (ICH). (78 - 84).


Head of scientific research of the wave’s regime, surf and tides in the north coast of the city of Havana (Malecón Habanero). Development of a wave induction device. (ICH -IITF). (79 - 80).


Chief Scientist of hydrological and acoustic oceanographic research in the NW oceanic region of Cuba, Cuban Institute of Hydrography (ICH). (79 - 80).


Participation in Oceanographic Research Cruisers


Research Vessel “Walton Smith”, August 2001 to August 2012, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, USA. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML).  38 cruises in the projects: “Gulf Stream Hydro” and “Florida Bay Hydro” (Gulf of  Mexico & Florida Straits). 32 of the cruises as Chief Scientist.


Research Vessel “Virginia K”, August 2001 to July 2012, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, USA. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). 78 cruises in the projects: “Florida Bay Inner Basin Study (Whipray, NE Basin, W Basin)” and “Florida Bay Hydrologic Survey” (Florida Bay). 8 of the cruises as Chief Scientist.


Research Vessel “Nancy Foster”, NOAA, 5 cruises (2007-2011), Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, USA. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). 5 cruises in the project:  “Coral Reef Ecosystem Research Study”. (Caribbean Sea).


Research Vessel “TMM Sinaloa”, September 19 -28 2005 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). 1 cruise in the project:  “High Density XBT Line (Atlantic Ocean, line AX7 Barcelona, Spain – Miami, USA).


Research Vessel “Ron Brown”, NOAA,  February and October 2004, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, USA. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). 2 cruises in the project:  “Windward Passage Oceanographic Study”. (Caribbean Sea).


Research Vessel “Seward Johnson”, September 2003, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, USA. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). “Windward Passage Oceanographic Study”. (Caribbean Sea).


Research Vessel “Justo Sierra”, July 2001. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico, Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, USA. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). Study of the Caribbean’s warm pools and low level Jet (Caribbean Sea).


Research Vessel “Ulises”, March 1999. Instituto de Oceanología Scientific Co-Chief Scientist of the cruise. Proyecto del Programa Nacional de Cambio Global y Evolución del Medio Ambiente Cubano: “Los Ecosistemas Frontales del Occidente de Cuba, NE de Yucatán y SE de la Florida: Su relación con el balance regional de calor y sales y su importancia como reguladores de precipitaciones y de la biodiversidad marina” (Caribbean Sea y Gulf of Mexico).


Research Vessel “Ulises”, Project “Corrientes”. January - February 1997. Instituto de Oceanología Chief Scientist of the cruise. “Cruceros de investigaciones hidro-biológicas y de Teledetección en la zona oceánica económica exclusiva noroccidental de Cuba”, (Cabo de San Antonio - Bahía de Nuevitas, Cuba).


Research Vessel “Ulises”, Ministerio de Ciencias de Cuba. September-October 1996 & February 1997. Instituto de Oceanología Chief Scientist of the cruise. “Cruceros de investigaciones hidro-biológicas y de Teledetección en la zona oceánica económica exclusiva noroccidental de Cuba”, (Cabo de San Antonio - Bahía de Nuevitas, Cuba).


Research Vessel “Sun Coaster”, University of South Florida. USA. March 1995. Participant in the marine Remote Sensing expedition: “Estudio espectrométrico y de productividad planctónica en zonas del Golfo de México” (Tampa Bay - Mississippi).


Research Vessel “Zubov”, Sciences Academy URSS, Russia. July-August 1991. Cuban chief Scientist “Investigación hidrológica y de influencia activa en la atmósfera del Atlántico Occidental y el Mar Caribe”.


Research Vessel “Striliet”, Hidrography Institute URSS, Russia. September - October 1990. Cuban chief Scientist of the cruise: “Investigación hidrológica del Mar Caribe Occidental”.


Research Vessel “Visir”, Hidrography Institute URSS, Russia. July - August 1989. Cuban chief Scientist of the cruise: “Investigación hidrológica del Mar Caribe Occidental”.


Research Vessels “Guama”, “Taino”, Serie “Pilot”, Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía (ICH), Cuba, 1979-1986. Principal Investigator and/or participant in 21 oceanographic cruises (hydrology, acoustic, Remote Sensing) in shelf & oceanic marine areas adjacent to Cuba. (Projects: “Canal Acústico”, “Bahías”, “Corrientes”, “Hidrología”, & other).


 Details of the Postgraduate Courses


“Scientific Diver Course” Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) Miami, Florida, USA. 09/02 – 01/03.

“A+ and Networking Essentials” Microsoft Training Course, Florida, USA. 03/02 – 10/02.

“Space images processing using the space sensors AVHRR and SeaWiFS in areas of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico”, University of South Florida, USA. 10/99 - 11/99. (Credits for Ph D. degree in Physical Sciences).

“Management by Objectives”. Universidad de la Habana. Cuba. 08/99. (Credits for Ph D. degree in Physical Sciences).

“Intensive Course on Remote Sensing of the Ocean: Applications for Ocean Color, Temperature, Wind Stress and Altimetry”,

University of Chile, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), Chile. 10-22/11/97. (Credits for Ph D. degree in Physical Sciences)

“Air and Space Remote Sensing, in Cuba: Current State and Perspectives.” Institute of Tropical Geography. Cuba. 09/97.

Postgraduate course of Philosophy required for Investigator's Category. Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. 14/06/97. (Credits for Ph D. degree in Physical Sciences).

“Social Problems of the Science and the Technology”. Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. 14/06/97. (Credits for Ph D. degree in Physical Sciences).

“Social Problems in Science and the Technology.” Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. 03 - 07/97. (Credits for Ph D. degree in Physical Sciences).

Low Cost Remote Sensing Systems”, GEOCUBA Investigación y Consultoría, Cuba. 06-07/96.

“Introduction to Geographical Information Systems”, Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía, Cuba. 10/94.

“Space image processing and analysis using the space sensors AVHRR and CZCS in areas of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of

Mexico”, sponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Committee (IOC), University of South Florida (USF), USA. 12/94 - 06/95.

“Administration and actions on the coast”, Institute of Physical Planning - Public Works Minister of Spain. 12/93 - 06/94.

“Spectrometry and active influence in the atmosphere”, research vessel, Prof. Zubov, USSR Academy of Sciences, Russia. 07/91 - 08/91.

“Marine Remote Sensing”, IOCARIBE, INTECMAR, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela. 09/90.

“Digital images processing system A-6472/Feag-200”, Instituto de Geodesia y Cartografía, Cuba& Germany. 03/90 - 05/90.

“Update of topographical maps using space images, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography of Leipzig, Germany. 11/89.

“Photographic methods for determination of depths in shelf areas”, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Leipzig, Germany. 10/89.

“Digital image and spectrometric data processing taken from air and space level in marine areas”, Institute of Cosmic Research, Berlin, Germany. 09/89

“Marine Spectrometry”, Oceanography Institute of Rostock, Germany. 08/89 - 09/89.

“Digital images processing in marine areas from the Russian space scanner (MSU-M). Moscow Institute of Oceanography (Shirchov), Russia. 08/89.

“Radio-localization”(Syledis System instrumentation, GPS), Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía, Cuba. 12/85 - 1/86 & 18/08/94 - 28/08/94.

Computer Programming.” Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía, Cuba. 01/85 -12/85.

Interpretation of cosmic pictures” Escuela de Artillería de las Far, Cuba. 03/85 - 04/85.

“General oceanography and oceanographic instrumentation” Moscow Institute of Oceanography (Shirchov), Russia, and Oceanography Institute of Varna, Bulgaria. 8/83 - 11/83.

Statistical and experimental design.” Facultad de Matemática, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. 03/81 - 12/81

Autonomous diver.” Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Cuba. 03/80 - 07/80.

Computer programming.” Facultad de Matemática, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. 01/80 - 03/80.

“General oceanography.” Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía, Cuba, 08/78 - 04/79.


Elaboration of research projects


“Creation of the monitoring system, for modeling and evaluation of the environmental impact of hydrocarbons spills in oceanic areas and in the marine shelf of the Republic of Cuba.” requested by the Environment Agency of Cuba and the Tourism Ministry of Cuba, (Principal Investigator: Dr. Ricardo Álvarez, Instituto de Geografía Tropical and Ms. C Nelson Melo from IDO).


“Characterization of oceanographic phenomena in shelf and oceanic marine areas adjacent to the Island of Cuba, using Remote Sensing methods” Research project presented to the Program of Sciences in Cuba, December of 1996. (Principal investigator: Ms. C. Nelson Melo).


“Coastal and marine shelf areas study in Mexico and Cuba for the protection, classification and management of natural resources using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems methods”. (TeleMar - Caribe).” Instituto de Oceanología, Instituto de Geografía Tropical from Cuba & Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Iztapalapa, CONACyT-México, 1997.


“Basin-Wide Fertilization and Primary Production in the Caribbean Sea”. Chile, November 1997, (Principal Investigador in Cuba: Ms. C. Nelson Melo).


“Repercussion of ENOS in the fertilization and primary productivity processes in the Intra-American Sea (IAS). Presented to the IAI in March 1998 (Principal Investigator in Cuba: Ms. C. Nelson Melo).


Participation in Congresses and Symposia.


2009 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Meeting, Feb 2 / 2009, Miami Dade City Hall, Miami, Florida, USA. (1 oral presentation).


2008 Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine System Science Conference December 8-11 2008, Naples, Florida, USA. (1 oral presentation and 1 poster).


2008 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Planning, Policy and Science Meeting For Everglades Restoration, July 28-August 1, Naples, FL, USA. (1 poster)


2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting “From the Watershed to the Global Ocean”, March 2-7 2008 · Orlando, Florida, USA (1 poster)


2005 Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference. Dec 11 – 14, 2005 Duck Key, Florida, USA. 4 papers as Author or Coauthor (3 posters and 1 oral presentation).


2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem. April 13 -18, 2003, Palm Harbor, Florida, USA. 3 papers as Author or Coauthor (2 posters and 1 oral presentation).


VI Congreso de Ciencias del Mar” La Habana, Cuba., December 1-5 2003. 3 papers as Author or Coauthor (2 posters and 1 oral presentation).


Seventh International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments. Author and Speaker: “Near-Surface Phytoplankton Distribution in the Western Intra-Americas Sea: The Influence of El Niño and Weather Events” Miami, USA, 2002.


IV Congreso de Ciencias del Mar “MARCUBA' 97”, I Convención Internacional sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, 1997:

·        Coordinator and speaker of the Round Table: “Influencia de los Cambios Globales Sobre el Medio Marino”

·        Author and speaker, “Distribución de Pigmentos Superficiales en el Gran Caribe Determinados por Satélite: Estacionalidad, Zonación e Influencia de El Niño”. Authors: Melo, N.; Müller-Karger, F.E.; Cerdeira, S.; Pérez, R.; Victoria, I.; Cárdenas, P.; Mitrani, I.; Salas, I.; Hernández, B.

·        Co-author, “La Densidad de Pigmentos Fotosintéticos: Un indicador del carácter y la intensidad de los procesos oceanográficos en el occidente del Gran Caribe”. Autores: Cerdeira, S.; Melo, N.; Pérez, R.; Victoria, I.; Muller-Karger, F.E.

·        Co-author, “Reporte de un Frente Hidrológico al NE de la Península de Yucatán. Manifestaciones Físicas, Químicas e Hidrobiológicas”. Authors: Pérez, R.; Victoria, I.; Signoret, M.; Gallegos, A.; Penié, I.; Gil, C.; Bulit, C.; Melo, N.; Müller-Karger, F.E., Cerdeira, S., Merino, M..

·        Co-author, “Condiciones que Favorecen el Desarrollo de Algas Nocivas en Cuba”. Authors: Pérez,. R.; Arencibia, G.; Melo, N.; Cerdeira, S.; Mitrani, L.; Victoria, I.;

·        Co-author, “El Talud Oriental de la Plataforma de Yucatán: Observaciones de Barcos y Satélites entre Cuba, E.U.A. y México. (The Eastern Yucatan Shelf- Break: Joint Cuba, US, and Mexico Ship and Satellite Observations).”. Authors: Pérez, R.; Victoria, I.; Merino, M.; Muller-Karger, F.E.; Melo, N.; Cerdeira, S.; Signoret, M.; Gallegos. A.; Penié, I.; Bulit, C.



Conference of the International Geographical Union, author and speaker: “Possibilities and experiences of Remote Sensing methods to the studies of the Cuban marine shelf” Cuba, February, 1995.


Conference “Long-term Changes in Marine Ecosystems”, author and speaker: “Variations spacio-temporelles des pigments phytoplanctoniques dans le Golfe du Mexique et dans la Mer des Caraibes d’apres les images du CZCS-Nimbus 7” (1979-1981). France, February de 1995.


III Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, Panel “Tecnología aplicada a las Ciencias del Mar, Percepción Remota”, author and speaker: “Variación espacio - temporal de los pigmentos del fitoplancton en zonas del Gran Caribe, a partir de imágenes del satélite Nimbus 7 - CZCS”. Cuba, February 1994.


VIII Forum del Instituto Cubano de Geodesia y Cartografía, author and speaker: “Variación espacio-temporal de los pigmentos del fitoplancton en zonas del Gran Caribe, a partir de imágenes del satélite Nimbus 7 - CZCS” , Cuba, October 1993.


Seminario Científico Internacional del Estudio de la Tierra Mediante la Teleobservación, author and speaker: “Mediciones espectrométricas a nivel marino, aéreo y espacial de la plataforma y regiones oceánicas adyacentes a Cuba”, Cuba, March 1992.


V Simposio Latinoamericano de Percepción Remota, SELPER, author and speaker: “Caracterización óptico-biológica del Golfo de Batabanó y las zonas oceánicas adyacentes a partir de imágenes cósmicas del Scanner ruso MSU-M”, Perú, November 1991.


II Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, author and speaker: “Resultados del experimento internacional de Teledetección Caribe-Intercosmos, polígono Canarreos”, “Aspectos de la caracterización óptica espectral de la plataforma insular y aguas oceánicas de Cuba”, “Estudio y cartografía temática de grupos insulares y zonas litorales de Cuba para el desarrollo del turismo”, Cuba, June 1990.


III Encuentro Latinoamericano de Geógrafos, author and speaker: “Estudio del medio geográfico marino con el empleo de sensores remotos. Resultados del experimento Caribe-Intercosmos, polígono Canarreos”, México, February 1990.


Seminario Científico Internacional del Experimento “Caribe-Intercosmos”, author and speaker: “Caracterización óptico-biológica del Golfo de Batabanó y las zonas oceánicas adyacentes a partir de imágenes cósmicas del Scanner MSU-M”, Cuba, February 1990.


III Jornada Científica del Instituto Cubano de Geodesia y Cartografía (ICGC), author and speaker: “Resultados del Levantamiento aéreo térmico infrarrojo y multizonal de diferentes acuatorios”, Cuba, 1989.


Seminario Internacional de Teledetección de los países socialistas, author and speaker: “Utilización de la Teledetección aerocósmica en la evaluación de los sedimentos y vegetación como componentes del paisaje costero y submarino”, Rumania, October 1987.


I Congreso de Ciencias del Mar, author and speaker: “Investigaciones oceanográficas en la plataforma noroccidental de la Habana empleando imágenes fotográficas aéreas. Experimento Plataforma”, Cuba, June 1987.


VII Jornada Científica del Instituto de Oceanología de la ACC, author and speaker: “Evaluación del uso de los métodos de Teledetección en las investigaciones oceanográficas”, Cuba, May 1985.


II Evento Científico-Técnico del ICH, author and speaker: “Condiciones hidrológicas en zonas de interés de Cuba, Cuba, 1982.


I y III Simposio sobre la investigación y control de la contaminación marina, participant. Cuba, 1981 y September 1982.




Tutor or advisor in 4-degree thesis and 1 Master degree thesis.


Sergio Cerdeira Estrada. (1999): “La densidad de pigmentos fotosintéticos: un indicador del carácter y la intensidad de los procesos oceanográficos en el occidente del Gran Caribe”. Tesis de Maestría, Facultad de Física de la Universidad de la Habana. Tutor.


Herrera Creco, H. (1990): “Espectrometría de paisajes naturales cubanos”, tesis de Doctorado en Ciencias Técnicas. Consultante.


Almeida Lee, A. (1988): “Caracterización de parámetros y fenómenos oceanográficos de la plataforma a partir de métodos de Teledetección”. Tesis de diploma., Facultad de Geografía de la Universidad de la Habana. Tutor.


Rodríguez, A. (1981): “Transparencia y color del mar en Cuba”. Tesis de diploma, Curso superior de Técnicos Hidrógrafos, (ICH). Tutor.


Hernández, R. (1980): “Correntometría de la Península de Hicacos, Matanzas”. Tesis de diploma, Curso superior de Técnicos Hidrógrafos, (ICH). Tutor.


Have taught the following courses to university and superior technical level students:


 “Marine Remote Sensing”, graduate degree course, 55 hours, Centro de Investigaciones de Ecosistemas Costeros (CIEC). 1994.


“Remote Sensing”, postgraduate degree course, 80 hours, Ministry of Agriculture, Cuba. 1988.


 “General Oceanography”, course for superior technicians, 1 semester, Faculty of Hidrographic Studies, Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía (ICH). 80 - 81.


“Electromagnetism”, 2 semesters, Faculty of Chemistry and Faculty of Physics, University of Havana. 76 - 78.


Participant in 5 interviews in the national television, radio, and journals in Cuba and USA.


Updated: Jan. 2019